For pains in the side, the heart of a hoopoe is highly esteemed; ashes, too, of burnt snails, that have been boiled in
a ptisan, snails being sometimes applied in the form of a liniment, alone. Potions employed for this purpose have a sprinkling in them of the ashes of a mad dog's skull. For the cure
of lumbago, the spotted lizard[1] from beyond seas is used:
the head and intestines being first removed, the body is boiled
in wine, with half a denarius of black poppy, and the decoction is taken in drink. Green lizards, also, are taken with
the food, the feet and head being first removed; or else three
snails are crushed, shells and all, and boiled with fifteen peppercorns in wine. The feet of an eagle are wrenched off in a
contrary direction to the joint, and the right foot is attached
to the right side, the left foot to the left, according as the
pains are situate. The miilepede,[2] which we have spoken of